About The Firm

We Are a Law Firm, not a Legal 'Mill'

  • John Spiridakis Personal Injury Law Firm PC Our goal is to provide the best legal defense possible - not to try the largest number of cases strictly for monetary gain.
  • Bigger is not always better especially when it comes to legal defense.
  • Without hundreds of lawyers and paralegals on staff we have no need to churn through hundreds of cases a year to maintain firm profits.
  • We will agree to take your case only after careful evaluation and clearly explaining the the merits of your case to you.
  • Next, We will assign the right lawyer for the case, matching his or her trial experience to your specific case.
  • We do not assign inexperienced lawyers to your case to be mentored by more experienced staff, as other firms do. Our lawyers will never be asked to represent you if they do not have the experience to represent you on their own. This makes us very different from other law firms.
  • We are proud of our track record and we welcome the opportunity to answer your questions, review your case, and let you know whether we would represent you based on our findings.

Open, Effective Communication With Clients

  • John Spiridakis Personal Injury Law Firm PC We understand the importance of continuous and effective communications between attorney and client and you will always know the status of your case.
  • Phone calls are returned as soon as possible by an attorney or office staff if your attorney is not immediately available.
  • Should the status of your case change, we will contact you to explain how the change could impact case scheduling, settlement amount or any other factors.